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9jaFootball Partners Ona Ara Youth League.

In the heart of Ibadan (the most populous West African city) is the Ona Ara Youth League. The league as been on for 4 years now and has brought together many youths from far and wide. The Ona Ara Under 18 league is enjoying its fourth season and is a vision planned and exhicuted by the Ona Ara Coaches Association. It is considered as a grass root development league to promote young footballers, engage coaches, entertain football followers, and most of all promote the game within the limit of Ona Ara and Ibadan as a whole. 9jaFootball Coverage Of Ona Ara Under 18 league will enable football followers in and around Nigeria follow the progress of a well planned grassroot league. Our intention in 9jaFootball is to bring to our esteem followers livescore proceedings, pictures, news, coaches interview and players interview. The partnership of Ona Ara coaches and 9jaFootball is hoped to attract sponsors and well wishers to the futher development of the game in Ona Ara been the pace setter in grass root league in Ibadan.